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viernes, 26 de agosto de 2011

Belive in yourself.

In your life there will be many people telling you what you cannot do, who you cannot be and trying to make you feel unespecial.

But what you should know is that when they say that to you, they're not talking about you, they're talking about them, they're afraid of doing what they want to do, or being who they want to be, so when they see someone special like you they don't understand that we're in this world to have succeed in what we want to have succeed.

So you have to keep being you, and nevermind what other people says about it, because when you keep shining, and keep happy, you make people feel they can also do what they really wanna, and have succeed in that.

Imagine a world like that, with everyone having succeed in what they liked to, that would be a perfect world, no wars, no misunderstandings, no fights, everyone will be happy and will make feel others happy. Wouldn't you like to live in a world like that?

Then why you don't start to shine? I'm sure you have many dreams you wanna make them become true. And there's just a way to have succeed, and it's starting to do something to make them become true, and it's not a big step, you don't have go further where you can, just do what you can do, first step will be a small one, second will be bigger, and so on, till you chaise your dream without notice you really have done it.

Here's a video i hope you all like, and inspire's you. There's one of the most important senteces of the video i would like to share, as has many of what we've talked about today.

The sentence is:

" Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. We are all meant to shine as children do, it's not just in some of us, it's in everyone, and as we let our own light shine, we unconciously give other people permision to do the same as we are liberated of our own fear."

" Until you don't start to belive in yourself, you ain't gonna have a life"

miércoles, 27 de abril de 2011

Reach your goals

Sometimes we wait things to come to us without making nothing to deserve them, and then we look at others and we just think that they get everything so easily, but we all know that this is not true.

Everyone on this life who had succeed in something it's because he worked so hard to get it, there are very few the ones who had succeed without making nothing, or almost nothing and those ones, if they haven't worked hard to mantain this succeed, that succeed goes as easily as it came. 

But ¿Why am i writing about it? Well i obviously do it because i've been afected by this way of thinking, the optimist vision, the one that helps you and makes you work hard without being affraid of not getting your price. But also been afected by this pesimist vision, that one that makes you think about everyone gets things more easily than you, that one that makes you think if what you been doing is for something? 

But the true is that having succeed in something or not just depends on us. There will always be difficulties, bigger or smaller, but difficulties anyway, and just our own determination on what we want will make us succeed or fail. 

Because if you wake up everytime you fall, you will cross finally the line, and you'll have succeed. 

So everytime you find a difficulty in your way, just stop at first  and think again about what are you working for, that will make you see each difficulty with more prespective and you will probably see that difficulty with other eyes, better eyes, because you know that when you passed that difficulty, you'll be one step closer to reach your succeed. 

But anyway, usually all the goals in our life are not the end of something, it's more like the begin of it, and that's why we shud enjoy the process that goes between goal and goal, because if we don't do it, we would had break down before we had even started. 


domingo, 17 de abril de 2011

In search of new fashion events

Hello people, how you doing? Hope you're all fine! 

As you all know i just began my modeling career, so if any of you knows about any kind of fashion event made in barcelona, just let me know! 

Cuz i would love to assist! Thank you all for your help!

Best wishes, 


you can also follow me at:

lunes, 11 de abril de 2011

In search of partners

Lately i've been thinking what can i do to improve my modeling skills, or better, learn the modeling skills, as i am new face and i don't have many. 

So i've been thinking to open a new local, but i need some partners to begin with, so if anyone who reads it, is interested, or knows someone that could be interested, let me know by reaching me at the e-mail below: 

Or by posting some coment with your e-mail or some contact. 

We're begining in barcelona, so will be great to find partners there. 

Don't forget to follow me:

See Alvaro Sariol modeling profile and other models at

domingo, 10 de abril de 2011

Something new

As some of you may know,  and some others no, i just started my career as a model, so if everyone wants to follow me, there's some of my links where u can follow my work

Alvaro S.

jueves, 27 de enero de 2011

La realización de un proyecto

El texto de hoy va a ser más bien escueto, pero espero sea lo suficientemente contudente como para merecer la pena. 

Hoy quiero hablar sobre los proyectos, y para ser más concretos, sobre los proyectos que empiezan.

Todo proyecto es una idea, y empieza como tal. Para que un proyecto se haga realidad, debemos, en primer lugar, pensar que se va ha hacer realidad. Si dudamos de buen principio en que se haga realidad, seguramente fracasemos. Otro de los pilares básicos para que un proyecto llege a ver la luz es que se desarrolle de la manera adecuada, eso creo es obvio, pero nunca está de más decirlo. A veces las cosas más obvias son las que se nos olvidan. Así que no obviemos cosas. 

Así bien, en todo proyecto debemos detectar sus puntos fuertes y sus puntos débilies, pero, ¿que pasa cuando hay muchos puntos negativos? Pues que cuantos más puntos negativos haya, más sensación de frustración tendremos, por eso, debemos pensar en positivo, debemos ser positivos, y por tanto, cambiar los puntos negativos, por positivos. Es decir, nuestros puntos negativos deben convertirse en positivos sin que nos mintamos a nosotros mismos. 

Por ejemplo, si tenemos un apartado que hemos definido como: Que nos falta? o Que no tenemos? Podemos cambiarlo por: Que deberíamos tener? De esta manera, siempre hablamos en términos positivos, y pese a que el trabajo a la postre sea el mismo, mentalmente lo visualizaremos de otra manera, de una manera mas positiva, y eso hará que desempeñemos las diversas tareas con mas entusiasmo, lo que derivará en menor tiempo y mejor calidad. 

Quizá esto os parezca una tontería, pero muchos son los proyectos que han fracasado por tener un enfoque negativo, y por querer combatirlos en lugar de convertilos. 

Y quiza penseis que vosotros no teneis ningún proyecto entre manos, o no queráis hacer ninguno, pero es que ah! amigos mios...Vosotros sois vuestro propio proyecto, asi que en vuestras manos está el que seais un proyecto que vea la luz, o uno que nunca llege a realizarse. Yo lo tengo claro, quiero ser un proyecto que vea la LUZ!


"El que sube una escalera debe empezar por el primer peldaño" - Walter Scott - Escritor Británico.

miércoles, 5 de enero de 2011

Ser auténtico

Como una vez dijo Muhammad Alí o también conocido como Cassius Marcellus Clay Jr. " No voy a ser el campeón que todos queráis que sea, voy a ser el campeón que yo quiera ser"

Con esto quería decir una cosa muy sencilla, quería decir que el no iba a cambiar, iba a seguir su camino, porque ese camino era el que le había llevado hasta ahí y a ser quien era, y no era campeón por la gente, era campeón por el mismo, por su trabajo, y por tanto con esta frase prometía seguir siendo igual de auténtico. 

Y es que en la vida, uno tiene que ser él mismo, y lo digo porque quizá mis artículos los encontréis muy personales, o quizá muy críticos...dependiendo del artículo y demás, pero así soy yo, y esta es mi forma de escribir. Quizá escriba cosas que no os gustará leer, porque son muy duras, pero en todas y cada una de mis frases intentaré decir la verdad y ser auténtico. 

Y digo intentaré porque la verdad es un concepto muy subjetivo, y atado a muchos puntos de vista. Y con auténtico me refiero a ser yo mismo, y ser fiel a mis principios. 

Espero que vosotros seáis también auténticos en todo aquello que hagáis.